2nd Hands-on Course "cone-absorbable sutures for suspension static lesions of the facial nerve and the cosmetic surgery" 13 - 14 November 2009
University of Milan - Bibocca
Via Cadore 48 - Monza
New Technique Suspension of the Paralyzed Face Silhouette by sutures with cones of Dr. Franco Perego The facial nerve is a motor nerve mainly dedicated to motility face.
It also functions as a secondary control of lacrimation and salivation.
AND 'gustatory sensitivity then deputy to two-thirds of the tongue.
The most characteristic sign of its citizens suffer from a deficit of motor function, which can be complete (paralysis) or partial (paresis).
The bigger picture typical of his paralysis is given by the inability to turn a blind eye and the contralateral traction of the mouth.
The diseases that can cause facial paralysis can be divided into five main groups:
- congenital
- inflammatory
- iatrogenic (caused by middle or inner ear surgery, skull base and parotid)
- traumatic
- tumor.
There are more or less complex surgical procedures can improve the damage caused by paralysis of the facial nerve, but no one can give the patient a natural smile and without sincinesie (atypical muscle movements), divided into inserts healthy contralateral nerve , autografts muscle and nerve and muscle rotation flaps, are always long and debilitating surgeries that put a strain on the physical conditions of the patient, and which you will find mostly in young middle age, with high expectations of social and working life .
Very different but these are the perspectives of the elderly patient, who is often forced to endure such severe changes its appearance and its expressive and functional capacity (opening and closing the eye, uncontrollable salivation, difficulty in speech, eye diseases chronic irritation ), in many cases, this condition becomes chronic over the years and accompanies the piece for the rest of life. In
such cases, these surgeries would be too invasive and often impassable due to poor conditions and even the so-called palliative surgery (with strips of muscle tissue suspension or heterologous materials) is often too invasive and not just accepted by the majority of these patients, however, that resent their hardship especially linked to exclusion from the most ordinary social relations.
E 'especially in this age group (the elderly) that fits this new technique of tissue suspension with SILHOUETTE SUTURES: it is of particular sutures or wire suspension, fitted with tiny cones can tenaciously anchor the tissue paralyzed and inexorably slipped down (eyebrow, eyelid, cheek and mouth), bringing them up and simply symmetrized considerably face paralyzed, everything is done in the absence of visible incisions (only one tiny incision a few inches between the hair that are not even shaved) and without delaminations (simply to pass under the skin of the particular needle guide), with no intra or postoperative pain, in less than an hour and a recovery almost immediately so as to allow the discharge of the patient the same day or at least the day after surgery.
sutures Silhouette with cones Currently, this procedure can be performed under the public assistance, out of the national health system, already with the existence of some centers "pilot" c / o 'Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza (Department of Plastic Surgery ), The University of Udine (Division of Plastic Surgery), University of Padua (Division of Plastic Surgery) and other hospital departments mainly located in northern Italy and Rome (if we need a precise list).
What most characterizes the new measure truly revolutionary is its extremely low invasiveness, which makes it quite accessible to a particular type of patients with this severe handicap, both in old age, which, conversely, in cases of juvenile age as intermediate care waiting to resort to more aggressive action functional.
A curiosity is the fact that for the first time a NATO intervention Aesthetics, precisely in order to achieve a form of facial rejuvenation with reduced invasiveness and in the name of the naturalness of the results has shown the utility in a most disabling conditions in terms of disease and consequent facial
this is due to a particular insight Monzese Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Franco Perego, years spent on the case of minimally invasive techniques for facial aesthetic and more than a decade, Professor c / o the School of Plastic Surgery, University of Padova.
In the last three years Dr Perez is dedicated to the development and dissemination of this innovative technique, doing just the Department of Plastic Surgery of San Gerardo di Monza, in close collaboration with its director, Dr Massimo Del Bene, the main Pilot Centre of the technique.
Just in recent months Dr Perez brought his technical knowledge of English colleagues at the University Clinic of Barcelona and the Dexeus notorious Pitie Salpetriere hospital in Paris, with a notable response from around the world science and the press.
On Friday and Saturday 13/14 cm, the two surgeons will direct a Monzesi International Theoretical and Practical Course with Live Surgery c / o the operating rooms of the San Gerardo, by downloading the Aula Magna of the University of Milan Bicocca, based in Monza.
List of health facilities that operate in Italy as part of facial paralysis with Silhouette-lift:
Hospital of Padua
Corporate Health Services 4 Medio Friuli
University Hospital of Udine
Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera CTO, Maria Adelaide
http://www.cto. to.it /
Hospital National Hospital Survey G. Brotzu
Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedale Santa Corona
Azienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo Hospital