In these weeks of voting, I have not heard any mention of what seems to me obvious: the reason why we Italians we persist in ladles in mud or shit, whatever you want, continuing to vote on the right.
I start with a fact certain: sooner or later in very different degrees, luckily I add, almost all have been or we will be it before a magistrate judge, prosecutor or magistrate, in fact we are dealing with justice, if only for a fine to the highway code.
And when that happens, regardless of our alleged guilt or innocence, they have in their hands a part of our lives. They decide what will happen to the present day from that point forward.
And now a question: Do you know
Di Pietro? And De Magistris ? And the red of Milan? And Henry John Woodcock ?
Many will say to you, great! We know them, we know who they are, know what they think and what they do. It is this
knowledge that we have judges making pervert justice. In my eyes it has lost equity, righteousness, and is no longer Super Partes
I expect that the one who has to judge my actions is a balanced, impartial and honest absolutely anonymously to the press, politics and the intrigues of any building! !
Why is it vital for me, the certainty that the judge decide my future, do it without preconceptions or prejudices moralistic political or religious or sexual.
But every day we witness the rise to honor the chronicle of some judges who pretend to be superstars before with microphones and cameras, or as little women, waiting for their fifteen minutes of fame.
I do not want to know who votes for the court to judge me, I do not know what religion he professes, I do not want to know which football fans, I do not know what the hell does in his bedroom because I do not want me just reach the I thought that he also condemned what he thinks of me, I how I dress or what to vote or who to go with me or if I go to Mass on Sunday.
Because these courts and this way of using the justice or should I say "abuse", it scares us ordinary people, is scary as hell know that those who are defenders of us ordinary citizens, using justice as a weapon policy to their liking and the policy uses justice and judges at its discretion: scary! More
the old saying do the pathetic pig in his house, more of the various hoes and tell us who you surround yourself.
A pathetic old man who can not age well and is a conflict of interest but is angry with his stature: political, moral and physical, regardless of the socket above.
So, until the left THIS left will use the courts to election date, as was done this time, with the hope that they get where their electoral programs and intentions do not arrive, there will be no hope of a new way of governing, there will be no hope of undermining the dwarf from "platform" on which once again we put it, that it left a reformist govern us soon.
We Italians are unique: we are always with the persecuted and to date, it is he that set this in our eyes. Maybe the PD
could be listed as " PERSECUTED " but not by judges or by the opponents, I think the PD is haunted by the desire to destroy Dalem that the fall of the Bicameral failed more to get up and walk and "prodigal " relegated behind the scenes where he was badly beaten, tortured to the secretaries of the party, one after the other, probably until they have destroyed everything and everyone arrives or until a "berlusconi" also left a driver with a neutral program to govern ...
does not seem to have viewed as strong and capable of kicking maybe even Dalem!