Lifting - New Silhouette suture technique
Silhouette Lift is a surgical technique that uses the new Silhouette Sutures to lift the soft tissues of the face. The Silhouette suture and a suture thread made of a whole new non-absorbable polypropylene 3 / O: along the course of the wire are a few small knots interspersed with tiny cones absorbable material (lactide / glycolide).
Silhouette Sutures are introduced by a single, short incision in the temporal region (2 cm inside the ca-pillizio), to the middle and lower face, using a needle right in a precise positioning scheme : When the traction is achieved towards the temporal region, the cones (which are cables) are anchored to the soft tissue (photo 2) Raise the level desired, after which the sutures are fixed to the deep temporal fascia with a curved needle placed at the proximal end of the suture itself (photo 3).
The peculiarity of the Silhouette sutures, in addition to the strong tissue anchor 360 ° cone, and to stimulate the growth of fibrous tissue all around and inside the soft absorbable hollow cones, thus producing an effective and stable mechanism for suspending . After absorption of the cones (within the first 10 months) the persistence of polypropylene thread will keep the fibrosis around the small knots, extending the result in tempo.Si Lift Silhouette provides for a term of from three to four years Depending on the type of skin and the number of sutures placed: on average 4 per side, even if you can use a higher number. in association with the traditional facelift, "short scar lift" or endoscopic facelift you can place 2 on each side, to optimize the region of the grooves on the nose and cheek, lip and chin on the fold and the zigomi.È possible and even advisable to place a sun suture on each side (under local anesthesia in minutes), if you want to optimize the time as "maintenance", particularly when requested by patients esigenti.Silhouette Lift and considered a method of "Ambulatory Surgery" performed under local anesthesia and as such requires sterile conditions and antibiotic coverage. A anxiolytic-sedative premedication or sedation are possible at the discretion of chirurgo.Non are reports of post-operative pain in the positioning of the wires or an externalization of their skin because the cones are hydrophilic, and as such soft and flexible, in addition to narrow during the first 10 months without the occurrence of any dolore.Quanto dell'esteriorizzazione the problem (typical and quite frequent Barbed sutures), is not found in the case of the Silhouette sutures because the cones are fixed and can not migrate to the tissues, also Silhouette in the technique of the sutures are securely fixed to the deep temporal fascia, thus creating a sort of withdrawal from soft tissue superficial to a hard deep tissue.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Shaving Cause Genital Herpes Outbreaks
had made an end of the litany Franceschini, but I believe it was over that day tragicomic open microphone during his election. Now there is the old
Bersani advancing.
E 'was sent back and in its shadow lurks Baffino waiting, or maybe we do not know what we know: he wants to come back into vogue, and perhaps enter parliament as premier, but must be absolutely certain not to embarrass others.
But when will it take to begin to realize that he failed as prime minister, as leader of the left ... and as skipper? Perhaps you feel that I do not like too much the hypocrites and cowards who hide in the shade and lick their wounds while waiting to rejoice when Captain trouble also to their friends.
Bersani makes me think of my geography teacher, always calm, always calm, always ready to read his publications and too lacking compared to the needs of the class. But we loved each other because they let us do everything you want in a low voice!
We had almost all the six in geography, but few know where the islands were Tremiti ....
had made an end of the litany Franceschini, but I believe it was over that day tragicomic open microphone during his election. Now there is the old
Bersani advancing.
E 'was sent back and in its shadow lurks Baffino waiting, or maybe we do not know what we know: he wants to come back into vogue, and perhaps enter parliament as premier, but must be absolutely certain not to embarrass others.
But when will it take to begin to realize that he failed as prime minister, as leader of the left ... and as skipper? Perhaps you feel that I do not like too much the hypocrites and cowards who hide in the shade and lick their wounds while waiting to rejoice when Captain trouble also to their friends.
Bersani makes me think of my geography teacher, always calm, always calm, always ready to read his publications and too lacking compared to the needs of the class. But we loved each other because they let us do everything you want in a low voice!
We had almost all the six in geography, but few know where the islands were Tremiti ....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Breville Rice Master Rc 10
Perhaps the darkest period is over, remain in the air of the considerations to which I want to give voice
In fact, the crisis over the years, have occurred with cyclic intervals, lasted much or little, and there's always been a recovery.
The problem now is that we are resting on their laurels for so many years and there has been innovation research that can now act as a springboard to Europe and the world. Our technologies and our research at the stake!
And if that's not enough, the banks have hidden in their shops to count money and to demand return of money lent on credit to their customers.
Surely this is the time that the State and the Bank of Italy in the person of Dr. Draghi, check that the benefits granted to them to revert to customers who need it!
Who cares if someone is delighted with foo rather than Caia? Let's face it apart from those in southern Italy called "Rattus" nobody cares, how to have sex with whomever you want and if you are at home and you are knowingly consenting, is not a crime, you know: freedom of expression also goes under the sheets. Hypocrisy is an intellectual fatigue stressful! This does not mean that I recommend monogamy and fidelity to the moral (? Does anyone ...?.
Politicians are people with flaws, are practically faults, if we suffer omnipotence or even believe they are invisible, they become Marrazzo, blackmail. A life and a family thrown in the toilet: I would like to know who pulled the chain ... (I think that we should watch, it could see suicide as the only way out.)
as well that can be brought back to be changed, too bad we can not ask for a refund!
For years the immigrants have to work twice earning half of the Italians, we know, what we do not want to understand is that someone adds to their shoulders and are DOC, speculators MEN.
Those who should investigate are "sleeping" as the accounts that banks have eaten. Each year that passes makes fewer checks will not be taking bribes, too?
Has anyone heard or seen what happened to the Price? He had to watch but since the gap between the price of petrol per barrel and the pump I think it went into hibernation for at least four months, we'll see or hear ever again in this life?
Motion Sensor Switch Wiring
-lift: advantages and disadvantages according to Dr. Louis Pulzone
Advantages: ease of installation
little trauma to the patient (no doloreanche days after planting)
no visible scars
return to normal social life in a few days
opportunity 'to re-tension wires after many years with consequent restoration of the aesthetic result
absolute biocompatibility
Read more
Advantages: ease of installation
little trauma to the patient (no doloreanche days after planting)
no visible scars
return to normal social life in a few days
opportunity 'to re-tension wires after many years with consequent restoration of the aesthetic result
absolute biocompatibility
Read more
Friday, October 23, 2009
Schools At Keshav Puram
My experience with Silhouette: Dr. Maureen speaks Berlanda
After 40 years, the emergence of signs of aging (relaxation, collapse down soft tissue, wrinkles, furrows, more or less deep) on the face and neck are inevitable even considering the variables individual due to the varying quality of the skin, the type of lifestyle and eating habits of the subject. Until recently the treatment of choice to enhance and rejuvenate this, "tired, fatigued and / or aging" was reserved for face-lift surgery is often extended to the neck; invasive surgery, under general anesthesia, in very long order of time generally followed by 24 hours of hospitalization and disability for post-operative recovery burdened with an aspect of the face (swelling, swelling, bruising, scarring) that prevented to the patient to return to society sooner than 4 weeks. All this at very high cost. Read more
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Rhyming Goodbye Animal Shirt
The Region shall provide funds for the development of Vesuvius Vesuvius
The Campania Region has allocated 10 million Euros for the development of areas within the National Park of Vesuvius. As will now be spent this money? To decide this, the leaders of The organized a day of studies to evaluate the proposals of the common area of \u200b\u200bthe Park and the demands of employers who operate in this zone. The basis of development plans is the Pirap: Rural integrated project for protected areas, an implementation tool of the Region for the period 2007 to 2013. This is an investment project of a collective nature to improve the systems of "local governance" and involve all the realities of the territory. Among the main objectives, a series of public interventions to improve the conservation status of the natural landscape and thus enhancing the attractiveness of the territory, making them more usable services. But it also aims to prevent environmental hazards. The funds made available by the Campania Region, will be distributed among the municipalities according to the projects that are presented by the various municipalities by the end of 2009. Article by Elisa Scarfogliero, Julienews taken from the October 21, 2009. Photo
Old Testament Sins Punished By Death
The revolution starts a thread
is an innovative product designed for men and women who wish to improve their appearance, without encountering the traditional facelift surgery. Silhouette-Lift is used to correct the signs of aging, the nasolabial furrow, expression wrinkles, cheeks and neck.
Silhouette-Lift consists of a string non-absorbable polypropylene 3 / 0 (material biocompatible with the human body that is used for many years in eye surgery and cardiovascular surgery) and interspersed with tiny cones that serve as anchors. The operation is
performed under local anesthesia, the special positioning techniques studied in many cases, minimally invasive treatments offer a solution that is well accepted by patients and minimize the postoperative discomfort.
wires are inserted through a small incision in the temporal, located in fibrofatty tissue surface area of \u200b\u200bthe face, and the cones to create that effect of suspension effective and stable.
is an innovative product designed for men and women who wish to improve their appearance, without encountering the traditional facelift surgery. Silhouette-Lift is used to correct the signs of aging, the nasolabial furrow, expression wrinkles, cheeks and neck.
Silhouette-Lift consists of a string non-absorbable polypropylene 3 / 0 (material biocompatible with the human body that is used for many years in eye surgery and cardiovascular surgery) and interspersed with tiny cones that serve as anchors. The operation is
performed under local anesthesia, the special positioning techniques studied in many cases, minimally invasive treatments offer a solution that is well accepted by patients and minimize the postoperative discomfort.
wires are inserted through a small incision in the temporal, located in fibrofatty tissue surface area of \u200b\u200bthe face, and the cones to create that effect of suspension effective and stable.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Black And Green Shirt
Exhibition: blind climber in the mouth of Vesuvius Vesuvius
It fell into the crater of the volcano: a bold challenge characterized by a rappelling rope in Vesuvius. It is a great little company Rivoiro Mario, blind athletes in Turin. An extraordinary experience, which occurred Sunday morning, made possible through the collaboration of the instructors of Mes, by men of the State Forestry and the guides of the Vesuvius National Park. Firm that has represented the most significant moment of "Vesuvius Exhibition 2009 'event held for three days involved 150 athletes, amateurs two families and 20 children of the family home" The Poplars. " Multidisciplinary experience in the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe Vesuvius National Park. Participants at the event addressed the grueling Vertical Kilometer (foot race at high altitude), were challenged on rough trails and mountain biking, have attended a basic course on civil protection and volcanic landslide risk and have tried the typical products of the earth and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. The event was organized by the National Environment Protection "ecosport sportchallengers Movement, chaired by Carlo Ferrari, with moral support and contribution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the region. Article published by Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno, 19 October 2009. Photos Video Communications.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Bangbros Prepaid Card
showcased at Ttg Rimini
Related links:
The artistic and natural heritage on display at the Vesuvian TTG Rimini, the most important international B2B (business to business) in the tourism sector in Italy. Until next Sunday, the consortium "Costa del Vesuvio" present to tour operators around the world the new integrated promotional offers in which they were involved in the sector to the territory of the tourist district between St. George and a Cremano Castellammare di Stabia. Thanks to the collaboration of institutions in that area, the consortium offers visitors the opportunity to purchase all-inclusive packages that include accommodation in 4 star hotels, entrance fees to archeological sites and tours in the Grand cone of Vesuvius National Park: "The aim consortium that has set the Costa del Vesuvio "is to make the system all the local resources in the tourism industry - says the entrepreneur Luca Ferlaino - attend this important event allows us to present to the incredible potential of the international players Vesuvius area, offering a range of choices are not limited to the so-called tourism hit and run but that also includes a stay in our city. " To support "Costa del Vesuvio" in this new form of tourism promotion of the Vesuvius area, there are - among others - the Province of Naples, the town of Herculaneum, the Vesuvius National Park Authority, the Mav and Tess, "All forces in the field are working together to develop a specific area - said the leader of the consortium - The fact that we can pursue this goal regardless of political color is a good example. A clear demonstration of this unity of purpose is the climate of great collaboration between the Province who has initiated and led by the center-some municipalities, such as that of Herculaneum, ruled by juntas Centre: Councillor for Tourism and Valeria Casizzone Mayor Daniel Nino together are doing a lot for the revival of tourism in the area of \u200b\u200bVesuvius. " If the political point of view are important synergies for the promotion of tourism participation is crucial to the most important trade fairs. After having participated last year at the International Tourism Exchange in Milan and at Fitur in Madrid, the Costa del Vesuvio consortium is working to be at World Travel Market held in London from November 9: "This is the most European event important for the tourism industry - supports Ferlaino - Our job is to always be present continuously to these appointments, failing to promote our region in an innovative way. " Article published on the morning of October 17, 2009.
Related links:
Friday, October 2, 2009
Cute Picnik Quotes For Myself
VIP and surgery plastic, funny video
is under a very nice video that shows the pre-and post incli aesthetic of many VIPs, from Britney Spears to Angelina Jolie to Victoria Beckham going to Mickey Rourke and the inevitable Janet Jackson
is under a very nice video that shows the pre-and post incli aesthetic of many VIPs, from Britney Spears to Angelina Jolie to Victoria Beckham going to Mickey Rourke and the inevitable Janet Jackson
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