In recent months we have seen, not without disgust, the appearance on the" market "of illicit trade of a particular character: the 'self-styled journalist
hypocritical opportunist and / or writer .
Let me explain.
There are people properly or should I say characters, that when we heard about them in years not suspected of freedom of expression in all fields also appeared to be sexual and they wanted to appear liberal and nonconformist. It was a nice talk to adapt to changing sexual mores, that everyone should be free to express themselves, have equal rights, gay or lesbian or anything else that you want and woe be to the homophobia that one can not remain anchored to the family as it has been interpreted until now!
Everyone is free to express his thoughts!
Then one day, when it became clear that the crisis was to make so many arms to agriculture, as my father said that he had worked in the land (actually said
that it is better if it goes to 'hoe' to land ) , had a thought! They thought
And you are catapulted at him, Berlusconi as a megalomaniac, he offered the other cheek and bronze as well, sometimes its slot machines to enrich staff: Mondadori.
I do not know if there are more incredulous about the hundreds of books have been written about Berlusconi and paraculaggine of those talking about him have been enriched
or the millions of euro that people have spent on buying books that say exactly what everyone know: Berlusconi is a typical business-fixer that you care with a smile (I can not use the expression
Neapolitan because it is too vulgar even for me, but if someone wants to meet you, let me know and will be satisfied at once !)
Then, the so-called journalists and / or writers have realized that the measure was filled.
Among us there are those who are easily transported by the wave and the wave of new thoughts and show signs of appreciation, unless repent almost immediately, because it is one thing to be a precursor
"lodging" and feel out the choir, it is one thing to comply with a common feeling: you get bored to death of stirring always in the same arguments. Then
Marrazzo has happened!
now, we poor mortals who pull the cart every day we know there are
"entertainment" and also because we know some of us using them, some moderate, and even more so we know who use those who can afford it, the rich people to understand. Maybe we thought that the powerful do not have time to make use of flaws but I did not really have when I was small it was said that a lawyer had a silver nose, for example, or that Coppi had been left to die because of White Lady or worse at some Neapolitan singer liked 'and' street urchins. "
When one says ... luck! So
by perversions of the newspapers, on TV, and books of course! With all the mess happening in Italy, our heroes would-be journalists and / or writers, every day we did the short story of transsexuality, perversion, puttanaggini (
porc! gives me error, the word does not exist!'ll never be a journalist and / or writer like them! )
And while our heroes glimpsed other handsome profits at the expense of revealing various filthy secret, Italy and the Italians (the capitalization is not random!)
"jevano to 'see A DDO' adda ago juorno" : your brain is racked my brains looking for job security for themselves and their children with the hope that at least daily bread not to be missed! And maybe someone has thought about writing a book to make easy money on the "misfortunes" others but not by all, it takes
"kazzimma" , ruthlessness and even treachery, it must be like the people who have enjoyed the earthquake, money meant for each other kick here, it must be so!
And then?
memo, seen that brings money, the so-called journalists and / or writers, are able to turn into moralists of the worst kind. If the misfortunes of others or because they earn then they become bigots and / or moralizing although yesterday they were struggling in the gay pride parade for gay pride, or if "some time later
pull together" precisely
CHANGE! What a pity! not