Thursday, October 22, 2009

Old Testament Sins Punished By Death

The revolution starts a thread

is an innovative product designed for men and women who wish to improve their appearance, without encountering the traditional facelift surgery. Silhouette-Lift is used to correct the signs of aging, the nasolabial furrow, expression wrinkles, cheeks and neck.

Silhouette-Lift consists of a string non-absorbable polypropylene 3 / 0 (material biocompatible with the human body that is used for many years in eye surgery and cardiovascular surgery) and interspersed with tiny cones that serve as anchors. The operation is

performed under local anesthesia, the special positioning techniques studied in many cases, minimally invasive treatments offer a solution that is well accepted by patients and minimize the postoperative discomfort.

wires are inserted through a small incision in the temporal, located in fibrofatty tissue surface area of \u200b\u200bthe face, and the cones to create that effect of suspension effective and stable.


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