Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Use Of Vitamin A Capsules On Face

condemnation of intolerance Diana

Almost initiation the hallway from the courtyard of the castle of Ferrara you must travel, while the modern, sacred and unapproachable "Temple of Diana" there slowly unfolds before your eyes.
The material of construction assails us with its scent: soap.
you enter, you start to walk and pass under the first arch that leads to another stretch of hallway in front of us stands a structure of a square base six feet high built entirely of bricks of soap, vision is almost dreamlike, the white material appears to us slowly, illuminated natural light reflects the candor, the front of the temple is slightly in shadow (the sacred can not be seen by profane eyes, fully lit): begin to unconsciously perceiving the purity that is hidden inside.
continue to walk towards the temple, you start to feel, in addition to the smell of soap and clean that all the "inner sanctum" issues, the 'howling pack of dogs of Actaeon in pursuit of their master. Proceeding
the barking of hunting dogs is increasing and takes us to the temple, plunges us in the knowledge that the sacred is elusive, that must remain invisible to the Sacred human eyes, on pain of metamorphosis, as happened to Actaeon myth recounted in "Metamorphoses" of Ovid, into something that has nothing more human, turned into an animal, a deer, chased and mauled by dogs that he owned.
Stefano Guerrini has revisited his work with the myth of Diana and Actaeon, he played on the image of the virgin nymphs and the goddess of the hunt, they bathe in the lake, reported their purity out of their own: the water Clear has been transfigured and installing a metaphor that hides and conceals part of the visitor, spiarle forced to open a hole in the structure, but at a distance.
The structure is protected by chains and stakes road forbid us to go further, warning us not to go to fully in contact with the structure "sacred" built with hundreds of laundry soap.
The smell is strong, suddenly we find the hole, poked around inside the temple and here they are, the nymphs, and Diana in a picture painted by the Cavalier d 'Arpino, or rather, one can see while they perform their ablutions in the waters regardless crystal. We're watching the
as he did and Actaeon know that they are pure, we sense the smell.
curious look but can not be relaxed, there's something terrible waiting for us, we have led up to it, the sacred and inviolable, the dogs had warned us, the poles and chains that separate us we had been warned, peace emerges smelling with vehemence, but the sight and hearing us create a disturbing feeling, Diana , the sacred being ready to punish us and our prayers will be worth nothing, nothing in our approach or move away to the temple. The same purity
submitted to us by the artist using the soap but this is the same truck that obscures vision. Only a small hole from a missing bar of soap, and nothing more, it allows us to glimpse the nymphs. The Sacred
get angry if the eye goes beyond what is conceivable and not visible must remain so, it will be terrible pain caused to those who seek in vain to know and see.
Both the man of ancient Greek myths that modern man is unable to participate in the sacredness and "intolerance of Diana" reminds us how vulnerable we are to the divine.
Stefano Guerrini has reworked the myth involving three senses of the viewer, having hearing and smell, perhaps we would have liked also that the tact was participating? If only it were not for the chains red and white, we could reach out and touch the temple, but the artist knows that man can not dare so much.
not forget that Adam and Eve, for the taste, the last effect, we have did cast out of heaven and we have "won" the original sin.


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