Saturday, January 30, 2010

Silk Ribbon Embroidery

Ercolano Biography of a volcano Vesuvius and the risk

Party tonight the journey to discover the problems in the red zone. Through a series of four lectures (which will be held at Herculaneum, St. Anastasia, Pompeii and Sum) in collaboration with the Association Assoimpero Omps (permanent observatory for safety) promotes an awareness campaign for the redemption of economic, cultural and the safety of the Vesuvius area. "The initiative will seek to give voice to the needs of all communities living confined in the red - do you know with a note dell'Assoimpero President Ciro Di Dato-Our land too sometimes ghettoized and left to a fate from a policy often inattentive to the needs of this territory, the victim of a wild population growth and construction now without control, which attempts to comply with the regression, half totally ineffective to try to relieve congestion or to secure a people living on a time bomb. " For those who want to explore themes such as security, respect for the environment and the economic and cultural conditions of the Vesuvian towns, the appointment is at the Mav 18. Have joined the initiative, as well as local administrators, including President Leopoldo Spedaliere Tess, President Sergio Vigilante Anti-racket Portici Fiengo Councilor Louis Herculaneum Municipal PD, Gennaro Miranda Parent PDL Ercolano, Campania Region CISL trade union representatives, Professor Roland Professor of Volcanology at the University Federico II of Naples, Dr. Lawyer Luigi Cesaro President of the Province of Naples, Dr. Joseph Russo Provincial Councillor, Ingenico Di Nunzio Martino of the Ministry of Infrastructure and transport office Roma Capitale.
"This conference represents an important moment that iistituzioni and politicians are obliged to observe. - Said Dr.. Miranda-This event should give rise to a strong opportunity to compare strategies, goals and whatsoever on the operational arrangements be put in place risk-Vesuvius. " At the end of their meetings, all interventions will be collected in one volume.
"Through the public want to leave a tangible sign of the proposals, needs and hardships of the people who live in these cities-ended data-This course will try to update, monitor and handle the problem of air to make red that this area remains not only a danger for the population and a social problem in the case of a possible evacuation, but becomes a source of investment and productive and social development. "

Here is the schedule of meetings

  • January 30, 2010 at 18.00 in the auditorium Virtual Archaeological Museum of Herculaneum: the meeting will be invited to attend the mayors of the towns of Portici, San Giorgio a Cremano, Torre Del Greek, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata.
  • February 13, 2010 at 17.00 in the municipal library of Giancarlo Siani Anastasia: the meeting will be invited to attend the Mayors of San Sebastiano Al Vesuvio, Massa di Somma, Pollena Trocchia, Cercola and Commissioner of the City of Anastasia.
  • February 27, 2010 at 17.30 in the council of the town of Pompeii: the meeting will be invited to join the mayors of the cities of Boscotrecase, Boscoreale Trecase and Pompeii.
  • March 6, 2010: 17.30 Somma Vesuvius in the council of the town meeting will be invited to join the mayors of cities: Ottaviano, Terzigno, St. Joseph Vesuvius and Somma Vesuvius. At each meeting will be invited to the Park authorities.
Article Rachele Tarantino, taken from the January 30, 2010. Photos from the network.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What Is The Most Pleasurable Way To Masterbate


Several years in Campania there are things that never change.
beautiful things.

bad things. This
Highway slides down to the sea for years now.

It 's a landslide that covers the entire hill.

For years it's there, between the indifference of the politicians and the inhabitants of the sites concerned: Ascea and Pisciotta.
This year I decided to cross the road, with the hope that something had changed.

Absolutely nothing has been done and ensure that there are three hundred meters to the piers built for the construction of variant!

really a pity to have to state year after year, the indifference and neglect with which they throw a lot of money in the process.

too Pisciotta, a landslide slips into the sea some houses.

We hope that sooner or later we should not cry because of a landslide as has happened in Messina ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Baby Powder Ingredients

The Vesuvius area has the Park Plan Vesuvius

Nearly five years after the adoption of the regional council passes in the Park Plan Vesuvius, a town planning and regional planning that the president of, Ugo Leone, do not hesitate to describe as "very important". In practice, are finally laid down rules and strategies of development of the protected area, as well as its zoning and the zoning. The Regional Board has dismissed the plan a few days after its approval on the planning commission and after one month from the green light to the floor of the Parco Nazionale del Cilento. Accelerated, then, that is to say Gabriella Cundari, regional councilor for urban planning: "Fix the rules always allow a harmonious development of the territory, the region is now the target of the plan dealing with the eight regional parks." Among the innovations included in the plan is the request of the Regional Council, which mandates the junta to make contact with the Ministry of Environment to review the boundaries of the protected area covered by the municipality of Santa Anastasia and the invitation to the Park to locate a parking interchange the gateway to the volcano, in places Cifelli, in the City of Boscoreale. The Plan identifies, in addition, Strategic Projects 6: resources to be enhanced through consultation with stakeholders through conferences, service and program agreements. Strategic projects are referred to as "The slope along the historic route of the cog railway," "Towards the edge through the Casamale", "Water way to Ottaviano", "From Pompeii on the way to the crater Matrone, "" The Forestry Museum and Geological Survey of Somma and Vesuvius, "" From the Tower of the Greek coast to the Plan through the Hill of Brooms Camaldoli. "Names that evoke history and natural scenery that However, should now be properly valued. Sull'ok the plan, however, President Ugo Leone is expressed in very positive terms: "This is good news for all the Vesuvius area, which now has certain rules and specific programs of growth ". Article by Frank Gravette, taken from Pictures from the Internet.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Working Out With A Sew In Weave

piennolo tomatoes, via the consortium,

E 'body was set up consortium Consortium of Voluntary called "tomato Piennolo" Vesuvius. It shall inform the Coldiretti of Naples. "The initiative represents, by developing awareness promoted by Coldiretti Naples - it is stated in the note - the start of procedures to obtain, in accordance with national rules, the recognition of the Ministry of Agriculture and play the non-profit functions of protection, promotion, promotion, consumer information and general care of interest relating to the designation, including cooperation in the supervision and protection of the PDO from abuse, unfair competition, counterfeiting, misuse of the name and behavior, however, prohibited by law . President was elected Pasquale Imperato, vice president is Joseph Busiello. Article taken from The Money.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is Head Lice Medicine Pregnancy

Too many houses on Vesuvius, escape is impossible

Cement volcano view. It has not hesitated to build where logic and common sense would not recommended, nor has refrained from resorting to good-natured, and well taxed, tax amnesties. The silence of Vesuvius since 1944 has increased, since the fifties, the overbuilding in the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe volcano. Buildings and houses, hotels and restaurants lie the foundations on shaky ground of Vesuvius, hospitals rise on the volcanic basins, life teems on roads carved through the centuries by eruptions of lava. Chronic illegal yet preach the volcanologists, there is a place in the world's highest volcanic risk whereas the abnormal concentration spintasi building up to a few hundred meters from the crater. Nowhere to run. But fear not own emotion in this area: they are here to make individuals, municipalities and the state, sooner or later the building comes forgiveness for himself and for everyone else. The killing, however, never comes, because it is too time consuming and costly. Legambiente the complaint, the Camorra, the cement is enriched. Laborious to make a census of illegal buildings, 7 thousand, most likely over 10 thousand, five times more than condoned in the past ten years. The same eighteen Vesuvian towns have lost count despite the increase in population. Above and around Vesuvius abusive homes have even blocked the so-called escape routes identified in case of eruption. You are not supervised, not prevented, it can be prevented. Unpreparedness and ignorance seem to characterize the relationship with the Vesuvius and the danger of an eruption. The Civil Protection has prepared a plan was in 2005-ga, which divides the Vesuvius area into three zones: the red, immediately surrounding the volcano (18 municipalities and 600 thousand inhabitants), the yellow area that could be affected from the fallout of ash and lapilli (96 communes in the provinces of Naples, Avellino, Benevento and Salerno and 1,100,000 inhabitants), the blue, which falls within the yellow zone, but is subject to an agent of further danger: it is the 'valley of Nola, "which, for its hydrogeological characteristics, may be subject to floods and floods, as well as the fallout of ash and lapilli (14 municipalities of the province of Naples and 180 thousand inhabitants). Escape routes prove inadequate, however, as the SS 268, one of the roads at higher risk of mortality. The only attempt to relieve an overpopulated territory was put in place five years ago by the institutions. The project was called 'Vesuvius'. The region gave 25 thousand euro for buying a house outside the red zone by 2013 and provided for a new place for people 61mila: less than 5 thousand people decided to change area and in 9 of the 18 municipalities the population has increased. "The real tragedy is that we are without a definite plan - says anguished Ciro Borriello, Mayor of Tower of the Greek, one of the municipalities in the red zone -. Here are all in danger of dying. " Voluntary Prisoners of the volcano. And the abuse of Vesuvius are not limited to building, you go from illegal digging of pits for the unauthorized removal of sand, gravel and lava rock, the excavation and earthworks (activities already prohibited, but is often a prelude to other terms) the landfill of toxic materials or construction (but Terzigno, right in the Vesuvius National Park there is a landfill office and another is preparing, under the law crisis of 2008, under the aegis of then Secretary waste emergency in Campania).
Now you try, as far as possible, to correct at least to those ruined by construction. Last February, the Campania Region and the entity Vesuvio Park signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the contrast to illegal construction. The agreement calls for a scrapping program every six months. Finding it is easy to abuse, eliminate the problem remains. The Region has proposed incentives in vain because you leave the house on the volcano in the middle of Commons at the end of the area population has increased. Article by Valerie Chianese, taken from Photo found on the net.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Inmate Schdule For Rikers Island

Terzigno landfill, it will be decided after the regional elections

After the failure of the Conference of Services, most likely, a final decision on the future of the landfill will be taken from the forthcoming regional elections. Meanwhile, civic mobilization continues. After Service Conference last December 30 in which it was decided the temporary closure of Cava Vitiello, which, as stated by representatives of the Civic Committee, is larger than the "mouth" of Vesuvius, all municipalities of the National Park await new moves by the government. Apparently, however, a final decision on the future of the landfill could be taken from the forthcoming regional elections to be held in the spring. With the "no" of the conference is also skipped the meeting scheduled for 11 January, during which were discussed a few technical elements relating to the quarry Vitiello. Be stressed once again that, during the conference, was the decisive vote negative prefectural commissioner of Terzigno, Luigi Armogida (represented by the prefectural subcommissario Gino Coppola) has become the new idol of the people, for having changed his mind at the time of the fateful vote. To justify that vote was non-compliance of the program on a compensation fund, for a total of approximately 14 million, intended to Terzigno as a place that "hosts" (reluctantly) the landfill. The Civic Committee, along with some politicians, personally thanked Commissioner Armour, who, however, by its decision, has not met the expectations of the government, and now, it seems, is at risk "retaliation." Meanwhile, civic committees and political parties stand idly by, passively awaiting a final decision, but do know that the mobilization will continue to win new "battles" and why not, even the "war". Raffaele Isernia article, based on the median of 10 January 2010. Photo Rebirth Campania.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jeep Liberty Oilskid Plate


I can not forget a special thank you to IMETEC that with exquisite politeness I replaced the scaldasonno that no longer worked well, although I lost the receipt. It 'been a blessing, with the cold he has done and is doing that again! THANKS