Too many houses on Vesuvius, escape is impossible
Cement volcano view. It has not hesitated to build where logic and common sense would not recommended, nor has refrained from resorting to good-natured, and well taxed, tax amnesties. The silence of Vesuvius since 1944 has increased, since the fifties, the overbuilding in the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe volcano. Buildings and houses, hotels and restaurants lie the foundations on shaky ground of Vesuvius, hospitals rise on the volcanic basins, life teems on roads carved through the centuries by eruptions of lava. Chronic illegal yet preach the volcanologists, there is a place in the world's highest volcanic risk whereas the abnormal concentration spintasi building up to a few hundred meters from the crater. Nowhere to run. But fear not own emotion in this area: they are here to make individuals, municipalities and the state, sooner or later the building comes forgiveness for himself and for everyone else. The killing, however, never comes, because it is too time consuming and costly. Legambiente the complaint, the Camorra, the cement is enriched. Laborious to make a census of illegal buildings, 7 thousand, most likely over 10 thousand, five times more than condoned in the past ten years. The same eighteen Vesuvian towns have lost count despite the increase in population. Above and around Vesuvius abusive homes have even blocked the so-called escape routes identified in case of eruption. You are not supervised, not prevented, it can be prevented. Unpreparedness and ignorance seem to characterize the relationship with the Vesuvius and the danger of an eruption. The Civil Protection has prepared a plan was in 2005-ga, which divides the Vesuvius area into three zones: the red, immediately surrounding the volcano (18 municipalities and 600 thousand inhabitants), the yellow area that could be affected from the fallout of ash and lapilli (96 communes in the provinces of Naples, Avellino, Benevento and Salerno and 1,100,000 inhabitants), the blue, which falls within the yellow zone, but is subject to an agent of further danger: it is the 'valley of Nola, "which, for its hydrogeological characteristics, may be subject to floods and floods, as well as the fallout of ash and lapilli (14 municipalities of the province of Naples and 180 thousand inhabitants). Escape routes prove inadequate, however, as the SS 268, one of the roads at higher risk of mortality. The only attempt to relieve an overpopulated territory was put in place five years ago by the institutions. The project was called 'Vesuvius'. The region gave 25 thousand euro for buying a house outside the red zone by 2013 and provided for a new place for people 61mila: less than 5 thousand people decided to change area and in 9 of the 18 municipalities the population has increased. "The real tragedy is that we are without a definite plan - says anguished Ciro Borriello, Mayor of Tower of the Greek, one of the municipalities in the red zone -. Here are all in danger of dying. " Voluntary Prisoners of the volcano. And the abuse of Vesuvius are not limited to building, you go from illegal digging of pits for the unauthorized removal of sand, gravel and lava rock, the excavation and earthworks (activities already prohibited, but is often a prelude to other terms) the landfill of toxic materials or construction (but Terzigno, right in the Vesuvius National Park there is a landfill office and another is preparing, under the law crisis of 2008, under the aegis of then Secretary waste emergency in Campania).
Now you try, as far as possible, to correct at least to those ruined by construction. Last February, the Campania Region and the entity Vesuvio Park signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the contrast to illegal construction. The agreement calls for a scrapping program every six months. Finding it is easy to abuse, eliminate the problem remains. The Region has proposed incentives in vain because you leave the house on the volcano in the middle of Commons at the end of the area population has increased. Article by Valerie Chianese, taken from Photo found on the net.