"This conference represents an important moment that iistituzioni and politicians are obliged to observe. - Said Dr.. Miranda-This event should give rise to a strong opportunity to compare strategies, goals and whatsoever on the operational arrangements be put in place risk-Vesuvius. " At the end of their meetings, all interventions will be collected in one volume.
"Through the public want to leave a tangible sign of the proposals, needs and hardships of the people who live in these cities-ended data-This course will try to update, monitor and handle the problem of air to make red that this area remains not only a danger for the population and a social problem in the case of a possible evacuation, but becomes a source of investment and productive and social development. "
Here is the schedule of meetings
- January 30, 2010 at 18.00 in the auditorium Virtual Archaeological Museum of Herculaneum: the meeting will be invited to attend the mayors of the towns of Portici, San Giorgio a Cremano, Torre Del Greek, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata.
- February 13, 2010 at 17.00 in the municipal library of Giancarlo Siani Anastasia: the meeting will be invited to attend the Mayors of San Sebastiano Al Vesuvio, Massa di Somma, Pollena Trocchia, Cercola and Commissioner of the City of Anastasia.
- February 27, 2010 at 17.30 in the council of the town of Pompeii: the meeting will be invited to join the mayors of the cities of Boscotrecase, Boscoreale Trecase and Pompeii.
- March 6, 2010: 17.30 Somma Vesuvius in the council of the town meeting will be invited to join the mayors of cities: Ottaviano, Terzigno, St. Joseph Vesuvius and Somma Vesuvius. At each meeting will be invited to the Park authorities.
Article Rachele Tarantino, IlMediano.it taken from the January 30, 2010. Photos from the network.
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