An eruption of the volcano, would be advanced by signals: strong earthquakes, as those that hit last year in Aquila. We'll be looking at a situation of emergency "with a predictable chaos and panic in the population. In the so-called band "red", which includes 18 municipalities in the Vesuvian area that have developed over the past sixty years living around the volcano at least according to official figures half a million people. "Probably - said Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- are 600-650 thousand people". It is the critical data that affects the evacuation plan developed by the Civil Defence and is being revised with the upgrade of the possible scenarios in case of a reactivation of the volcano in Naples. The last eruption of Vesuvius in 1944, at the end of World War II. The Americans used the eruption as a beacon light to guide the bombers to Cassino. Since the end of the war, around the waist of the volcano, so villainous, were born and have developed entire settlements eighteen municipalities included in the so-called red band, which is included in evacuation plans in case of risk of eruption of the Neapolitan . The Civil Protection constantly updates the possible scenarios of the volcano and is reviewing the evacuation plan update, which might be of interest in the future - as said the Head of Civil Protection, Guido Bertolaso, not only the approximately 600 000 inhabitants of the municipalities but also a Vesuvian part of the population of the capital partenpoeo. In short, a million people. An updated plan will be ready by the end of the year and Bertolaso \u200b\u200bannounced it would present to the mayors of the municipalities concerned and to the governor of Campania, Stefano Caldoro. Notwithstanding, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsaid that no scientist in the world is able to predict the awakening of a volcano or an earthquake you can monitor their activities well in advance to grasp the signals. Earthquakes, including intensive, would signal a possible return to the activity and may trigger - if necessary - that the evacuation plan should be conducted "in 7-10 days maximum." Before the explosion, otherwise it would be "a catastrophe". It is expected, in fact, in more complex scenarios that Vesuvius could unleash columns of ash and lapilli up to 20 km in height. The fallout could therefore go well beyond the estimates of interest and also part of the city of Naples. The Italian Civil Protection is able to handle a potential evacuation that would affect nearly one million people? "I'm very quiet," he replied to a reporter Bertolaso. "The Civil Defense has the flexibility and capacity to manage such a complex emergency." The plan launched by the Regione Campania to encourage the relocation of population in the municipalities of the red band, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bhas expressed an opinion without appeal: "It was a total failure." It is not
Vesuvius, Ischia, but the volcano most worrying scientists. He revealed the head of Civil Protection Bertolaso \u200b\u200bduring a meeting with the foreign press to take stock of the situation on the Italian volcanoes and risks related to an eruption. "The volcano has a gun potentially worst of all - said Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- is the island of Ischia, where the last eruption occurred in 1300. There is no reason to fear that he wakes, but this can always happen and therefore must be constantly monitored. " In ten thousand years the volcanic cone is grew by 800 meters. "That means - he concluded - in the belly of the mountain Epomeo is charging a magma chamber that could explode with tragic consequences." Article taken from The Stampa.it of April 27, 2010. Photo The Stampa.it.
Vesuvius, Ischia, but the volcano most worrying scientists. He revealed the head of Civil Protection Bertolaso \u200b\u200bduring a meeting with the foreign press to take stock of the situation on the Italian volcanoes and risks related to an eruption. "The volcano has a gun potentially worst of all - said Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- is the island of Ischia, where the last eruption occurred in 1300. There is no reason to fear that he wakes, but this can always happen and therefore must be constantly monitored. " In ten thousand years the volcanic cone is grew by 800 meters. "That means - he concluded - in the belly of the mountain Epomeo is charging a magma chamber that could explode with tragic consequences." Article taken from The Stampa.it of April 27, 2010. Photo The Stampa.it.
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