Presented last night at the archaeological museum virtual Herculaneum, the book "Diary of Mount Vesuvius - Twenty centuries of images and chronicles of a volcano in the city" by John Ricciardi.
The initiative is part of the event organized by the City Council of the excavations, titled "The catastrophe. The rebirth. "
The work, composed of three volumes, he says, through the chronicles, the contemporary evidence, many unpublished, and a surprising iconography, the eruptive history of Vesuvius in the last 2000 years, has shaped the current territory and determined not always appropriate behavior of Vesuvius that, since World War II to today, replaced the lava flows to those of cement.
Present at the meeting, among others, in addition to the mayor of Herculaneum Daniel Nino, the book's author and historian Flavius Russo. "I tried-story writer John Ricciardi-to summarize all that was known to and not on the theme of Vesuvius, having as a model a few things already written books of the '600 and '700. However, my main guide was the work of Sir William Hamilton. While in the past, concluded the author, we have texts, primarily in the seventeenth century and chronicles are tales of what was observed, Hamilton had the insight to relate to his information, a series of images that also tell the eruption. "
During the presentation, in addition to the scientific report and volcanology, there was also a large historical excerpt by Professor Flavio Russo. "It 's logical to speak of Vesuvius in the last 2000 years, explains the historical means embracing a historic speech and not just in science and geology. My informant criterion is to see that we basically, for two centuries, we have always lived with the presence of Vesuvio, without undue alarm. Life in these areas has never been ousted from the slopes of Vesuvius. The presence of the volcano, is fundamental, basic for those who live on this territory. On the contrary, concluded the Russian-I can say that the mentality is the first reason, the dynamic and sometimes even the fatalism of the inhabitants of this land "article Elisa Scarfogliero, taken from
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