economic recovery, structural and energetic upgrading of existing assets, mitigation of seismic risk and administrative simplification. These are the main objectives of the Housing Plan of the Campania region, which supports liberalization standards for building rising from 20% for volumes one and two-family houses and 35% for buildings demolished and rebuilt according to criteria advanced security of tenure against seismic risk, upgrading and change of use from disused industrial buildings for as housing. However, it remains outside the law from the area known as "red", the risk Vesuvius. Hence the bewilderment of the mayors of the Vesuvius, which were seen removing a 'major opportunity to regenerate and heal the areas most devastated by the concrete wilderness. In reality the house plan business disappointed also, and above all, the technicians who have thoroughly studied the issues and the real risks of the territories of the Vesuvius National Park. "The House recently approved plan does not take into account the studies done over the years about the risks and possibility of regeneration of the red zone. A real contradiction explains the architect Nino-Pardo, member of the group study of the Strategic Plan Operational-if you think they are years that the National Civil Protection highlights the need to move towards a decongestion of the 18 municipalities at risk from the volcano. Among other things, LR 21/2003 and stop any new construction of housing, has introduced the strategic and operational plans, which have worked for two years, the Province of Naples, the 'Park Authority and all the towns around Vesuvius. " What are Operational objectives of the Strategic Plan? "PSO is designed to improve the livability of the urbanization and decreasing the risk for the population and at the same time making best use of the extraordinary potential of the area around Vesuvius. Suffice it to say that the title of PSO and "Standards for urban municipalities in the areas covered in volcanic risk del'area Vesuvius." In practice, the goal is weight reduction through housing incentives and rewards through town planning and housing policies to support mobility, the'adeguamento escape routes, through the rationalization of the infrastructure system. With the law up the house, however, all the work of the past was so frustrated and vanishes every possibility of rehabilitation and recovery of existing assets. Not only that, in sum, as in all the red zone, construction activity and the economy will have a 'further setback. " This Strategic Operating Plan has been approved? "Yes, it was aprpovato by the Province and is still in the study of the Campania Region, meanwhile, has approved the house plan in a hurry without probably even read the PSO. Moreover, given the succession of new administrations, not all auditors are aware of this study on the red zone. " So, you just have to resign? "No, indeed! It is necessary that the control room of the Vesuvius National Park, supported by all the mayors, you rebel and ask for a comparison. " At present, however, the comparison is hampered by the election campaign for the renewal of the regional council and the mayor of the red zone, "distracted" from the upcoming elections, the question still maintain low tones. Article by Carmen D'Avino, taken from The Photos from the network.
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